Mr.O Delaware Military Academy | Teen Ink

Mr.O Delaware Military Academy

March 25, 2013
By nick1564 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
nick1564 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“AAATTTTEEEENNNNNTTTTTTIIIOOOONNNN ON DECK!!!” This is what you would hear if you were in Mr. O’s class. Mr.O teaches civics at Delaware Military Academy. Now, you’re probably thinking “Ugh civics, civics is boring.” But Mr.O makes the class fun. The way he teaches the class, you just want to learn more and more. Each class is an hour and a half and Mr.O’s class feels like 10 minutes. That’s how fun the class is.
Every class is different and we learn something new every day. Every class he shows us videos of world news on the BBC NETWORK. Then we give our opinions on what we just watched. After that, Mr.O will give us lecture. And his lectures aren’t boring because the students are always a part of it. He also uses real life situations for examples in his lectures.
He always treats people with equal respect and doesn’t have any favorites. If you respect him he will respect you. If you disrespect him you better expect an earful. But most kids don’t disrespect him. Mr.O cares about his students greatly.
Another cool thing about Mr.O is that he crakes jokes and jokes around. And sometimes he will mess with us or make fun of us but we can do the same thing and he won’t have a problem with it. Mr.O is unique and one of a kind.

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