Educator of the year nomination | Teen Ink

Educator of the year nomination

April 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Educator of the Year Nomination

“ Say it ain’t so” – the famous words of Chief K. He is famous for his humor and his friendliness with cadets. He is always in a good mood and cracking jokes. He treats all cadets with respect and always has a positive attitude. He is very strict when it comes to responsibility. Chief K has many parts to him, keep reading to find out what they are.

Chief K is a Naval Science instructor at the Delaware Military Academy. He teaches ninth & tenth grade cadet’s naval science. He takes it very seriously when it comes to turning things in to inspection. His uniform is on point every single day whether something is going on or not. Also, pass and review is a very big deal for chief. We march a lot and get a lot of practice to be good at it.

He gets close with a lot of cadets because chief is fun to mess around with and always takes jokes. He is so nice to everyone and always laughs and has a smile on his face. He is always in a good mood and puts a smile on everyone’s face in the morning.

Chief is big about respect and responsibility. There is a time to be serious and there is a time to be silly. He expects you to be on point at all times and to have respect for all of the staff and upper class men. He tries to get all cadets on the same pace and track with ranks and ribbons. He strives us forward to achieve more than we have to.

He notices when something is wrong with a cadet and is always working with us to get things right. Chief is an all around great, funny teacher. I am very happy that I had him as a teacher and I hope to have him again next year.

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