Mrs. Raughley | Teen Ink

Mrs. Raughley

April 17, 2013
By Megz5430 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
Megz5430 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
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Favorite Quote:

We all have that one teacher, that teacher that seems more than just another teacher but a friend; my Spanish teacher of 7th and 8th grade, Ms. Stacey Raughley is that one. We call her Senorita or Senorita Raughley. She teaches at Smyrna Middle School, and she is loved by many students and faculty there. She also used to work at Salesainum School. She is favored by us not just because of how she teaches; she also has a great personality. She’s always cracking a joke and making us laugh. She understands us. She always knows what to say and how to explain it. She’s definitely the best teacher I’ve had yet.

Like I said Senorita always loves to crack a joke. Most of my memories from her class I was always laughing and smiling. For my middle school years I’ve laughed more in Senoritas room than anywhere else in the school. We can go from talking about Spanish verbs to the YouTube video ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’. She has this shirt that looks like she has a marsupial that a female kangaroo has. My friend Skyler always made fun of her and now believe it or not that’s a great memory that our whole class has. I think every day in her class I was laughing or smiling. So many fun memories in her class the list would go on and on!

The way she teaches is unique. She could have us sit at our desk and listen, write on the smart board or white board, make skits to perform in front of the class, all containing Spanish of course. We even sit in a circle on the floor and play Spanish games. One time she read us a book in the beginning of my 8th grade year, a book based off the series of ‘Winnie the Pooh’. We made scrapbooks about our lives and videos about weather. Little things like that are what made her class special.

What makes her the best teacher is her heart. She was always giving me advice and telling me things I didn’t want to hear to help me. I will admit; I wasn’t really interested in going to the Delaware Military Academy; Senorita was the only teacher that said it’s going to be good for me, that I’ll enjoy it, and she was always encouraging me to not give up. Turns out she was right. When my step dad passed away in June, Senorita e-mailed me just to see how I was doing, how my mom was doing, if everything was going well. She is a great person to talk to; I tell her everything, and I mean everything. She is more than a teacher; she’s more like a best friend to me and I’m guessing too many others as well.

I have a lot of great memories from my Spanish class. I may have moved far away from Smyrna but the memories I will cherish forever. These are reasons why I nominated Senorita Raughley. She gave me courage to not give up. She gave me great advice on just about everything. She gave me memories to keep forever. She gave me the love that a teacher is supposed to give you. She made a huge impact on my life and I can’t thank her enough. She is definitely the perfect teacher for Educator of the Year!

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