Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 25, 2013
By Clara Anne King BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Clara Anne King BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                          Teen Ink Educator Of Year Award Contest: Rebecca Sims

     It takes amazing person to have the job of a teacher. The teacher I am nominating deserves this award for many reasons. Rebecca Sims is my high school English 12 teacher. She has been my teacher for two years. Ms. Sims' style of teaching, involvement in school activities, and care for students as individuals seperates her from all other educators. Rebecca Sims is more than worthy of this award. 

     Ms. Sims, or just Sims as her students call her, has a very unique style of teaching. She is very interactive with her students. Once a year she has a class project that is manditory for students to participate in but she also participates.  Sims’ is always organized. She has a pattern to her assignments that makes it very easy for her students to be on task in her class. For example, one week we will do a literary story, the next we will do an essay.  Sims is a strict teacher but she pushes for excellence. Sims is an excellent teacher. 

     Ms. Sims activities wither students continue throughout her work in the school. Sims participates in many activities within the school. She has been the senior sponsor for six years, Future Teachers of America sponsor for eight years, and English Honor Society sponsor for eight years. Being the senior sponsor is a huge responsibility. As senior sponsor, she helps with homecomming displays, senior spirit week, pep rally ideas, and participates in the senior faculty softball game. She never fails on getting us what we need wether it is spirit ideas, senior hoodies or tshirts, or material for projects. Ms. Sims' hard work did not start in the class room. Sims' is a medically honorably discharged marine.  Hard work and dedication flows through her body like her blood. Ms. Sims is more than just involved. She loves what she does and we appreciate her. 

     Ms. Sims cares for each of her students as individuals. Sims is always willing to help help students with anything from assignments, ASVAB, and any other question. Ms. Sims is so devoted to seeing her students that want to be successful actually succeed. Every senior is required to  fill out college scholarships, apply to colleges, and participate in writing contest. She makes sure all question about college are taken care of. Personally, if it was not for Sims being the teacher she is, I would not be as prepared for college as I am. 

      In conclusion, Ms. Rebecca Sims is the best choice for the Educator of the Year because her style of teaching is best for students. All of Ms. Sims' involvement  in activities for our school and for our country set her apart from all other educators. Her generous care for her students make her the best choice for Educator of the Year.
Thank you. 

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