Nobility of a coach | Teen Ink

Nobility of a coach

October 25, 2013
By Abowen BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
Abowen BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a very hard choice to pick a favorite teacher, but one of my favorites is coach Peters. He is also a very good coach. He is really funny, reasonable, and a good teacher. We always have a good time, and learn at the same time in his class. Most people like his class because they know he is not going to get onto you unless you actually deserve it.
Coach Peters is a really funny guy. He always makes jokes and makes everyone laugh. He is always in a good mood, so he never just gets mad at you for no reason. He makes all his lessons interesting, and that makes it easier to pay attention. He reminds me of Daniel Tosh for some reason. I could see him as a comedian someday.
He is pretty reasonable with work he gives. He does not overwhelm us with so much work that we stress out. He gives average amounts of tests, but they do not have a million questions on each one. He also lets us know what we should study for before each test. You do not have to worry about failing his tests because you should know what's all on the board for a few days before.
Overall, Coach Peters is just a great teacher. He will help you if you do not understand what we talked about. If we ever have projects, he will explain how to do it so you are not just completely lost. I actually learn in his class because I do not feel like I am being bored to death with a bunch of random facts. I make good grades in his class because i always know what to do.
Coach Peters is a good teacher and we all enjoy his class. Like i have said, he helps us when we need it, makes class fun, and does not give way to much work. I think he is a great choice for teen ink teacher of the year.

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