Educator of the Year Essay | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Essay

March 30, 2014
By 11bradk11 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
11bradk11 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything that can go wrong will go wrong."

Educator of the Year Nomination
Mr. John Grant

Educator of the Year Essay

Here at the Delaware Military Academy (DMA), there are a lot of staff members that should be recognized for their hard work and dedication toward this school and the people that go and work there. One of those who are near the top of this board is our councilor and band director, Mr. John Grant. I chose Mr. Grant to be nominated as Educator of the Year because he is a hard worker, funny, a great instructor, and is my favorite teacher at DMA. He is always in a positive mood and always puts smiles on our faces. Now, let me explain why I picked Mr. Grant to be this year’s Educator of the Year.

As I stated earlier, Mr. Grant is the band director. I am in the band so I get first-hand experience with him and his humor. Although he isn’t a main subject teacher, he still goes above and beyond to help the band members get their parts so we can perform to the best of our abilities. When he goes over the music, he tries to make it exciting and entertaining for us so we stay with it and practice the song all the way through without wasting much time. He also tries to help each person individually, so that everyone understands their parts. These are just a few of the good teaching traits that Mr. Grant has.

Along with being an awesome and funny teacher to the band, he also jokes around with the other students that don’t have his class. For example, whenever he is in the lunch room, he likes to joke around with the students eating lunch trying to make them laugh. This especially happens when he has to come into a class to try to fix a problem on a teacher’s computer (he is also one of the teachers who know how to work things on the computers). He’ll crack a few jokes to the class when he is installing a program for the teacher, especially if there are band students in the class. His upbeat personality ensures that everyone gets a laugh or two, but also has them learning at the same time.

Finally, I would like to talk about his enthusiasm. Not only is he always energetic and enthusiastic in class, but also throughout just about everything he does. When we perform for the football team in the fall, he gets not only the band pumped, but also the fans by making them do the wave and cheer extra loud. Also, during our winter pep-rally/talent show, he was going crazy to get all students excited and ready for the events that were to follow. He definitely does his part to get everyone into the action of the moment.

As you can see, Mr. Grant is a pretty cool teacher. He is talented in his work and in our class, and is always trying to make us smile. He is extremely enthusiastic in everything he does and is always happy. Mr. Grant instills not only a love of music, but also a passion for life and learning in all his students. This is why I nominate Mr. John Grant as Educator of the Year, and I bet you wish you could be in his class too.

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