Ms.Reed | Teen Ink


April 21, 2016
By tyler.markham BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
tyler.markham BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm nominating my 8th grade math teacher Ms. Reed for teacher of the year. She's the type of teacher every student wishes. When a new class starts that you've never had before and the teacher says "this is going to be a fun and academic learning environment", usually it rarely is, am I right? Ms. Reed is always trying to make math fun.
When it comes to teaching math to her students, she wants them to enjoy it and have fun with it too. She doesn’t like being the boring teacher so she always tries to spice things up by making fun but academic  games to play either hands on or on the smart board; she loved making games for us on Every student, including me, has enjoyed being in her class and trying out every new game she made for us. She would do anything and everything she could to make her lessons fun. Ms. Reed always wanted to make it so that we wanted to go learn math and not want to be elsewhere.
Another thing that made her and her class stand out is the varieties of rewards she would give us; Anytime we did something good whether it's a good grade on a test or just excellent behavior throughout the weeks, she would reward us by giving us little snacks that we were allowed to eat in her class, or free time where we could either spend class watching a movie, etc. Ms. Reed used her own money to do the things she did for us.
One thing that makes Ms. Reed stand out is when she had her video game club going on and someone needed help, she'd tell them to stay after and help even though she had something planned. Ms. Reed is the teacher who would do anything to help her students succeed and pass 8th grade, no matter what the case was, she'd do it. She would do nearly anything for us if it meant us graduating. At the day of graduation, she came up to me and a few friends and told us "If you guys need help with anything math, go back and play my games or stop by after school and see if I'm here and ill help you out." She wanted to help with everything, even other subjects as best as she could.
I want to show students that Ms. reed is a wonderful, awesome, and fun teacher to have. Ms. Reed is the opposite of some teachers in schools. Some people may appreciate this and some may not, it all depends on who the student is and how they like to learn new things in school. This is why I'm nominating her for Teen Ink. She stands out froms other teachers.

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