Educator of the Year Nomination | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Nomination

June 5, 2018
By JacobByron BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
JacobByron BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Have you ever heard of a teacher and coach called Mr. Walker? He teaches at Delaware Military Academy. Wouldn’t surprise me if you have; he’s an amazing teacher and coach. I walked into his class late his first day because I got lost, looking for his class. I was lost, and he said find an open seat, and I fell right in. Mr. Walker isn’t just a teacher or a coach; he’s a role model for how to live your life.
One thing I always loved about his class is that we had real world discussions about things that actually mattered in our lives. Once a week we had to write a short paper called a main event about recent events in the world and our country, but half way through the semester it changed to debates where you had a group of four and you argued with your classmates about real world problems. His class informed you about the world, and made you a well informed citizen. Which is why I loved his class.
Mr. Walker mad his quizzes really hard especially his first one of the year. He even told everyone that it was gonna be hard, but no one was ready. He had a reason for that though; when it came test time, everyone studied more, and it was easier so everyone did especially well. Everything in his class prepared us for something; the notes prepared us for quizzes, and quizzes prepared us for test, and the test prepared us for the real world and the next grade.

Mr. Walker is more than just a teacher; coach he was always there after school whether it was about school or not, he was always there to talk, and before midterms and finals he had study groups at Panera to help you if you had questions about the study guide. But like I said even if wasn’t school related he was always there for you. But when it was lacrosse season, you knew where you could find him, on the field.

Being an amazing educator doesn’t mean you can teach well; it’s everything else. It’s staying after school to help kids and being a good person in general and that is what Mr. Walker is .He is a great role model and someone that many look up to. That’s why I wouldn’t be surprised if you heard of Mr. Walker. That is why he’s my nomination for the Educator of The Year.

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