Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Vietnam Veteran

May 2, 2019
By paddycakes1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
paddycakes1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran

I would like to thank you for your service and give you the proper welcome home you deserve. The disrespect you felt when coming home from strangers, and even family after sacrificing your life in Vietnam is agonizing to me. The dedication, selfless, and bravery required of yourself is beyond extraordinary. It is an honor and gives me delight that I have an opportunity to recognize your courageous acts for our country and show my gratitude for you.

My name is Brenden P. and I am a high school senior in Hartland, Wisconsin. As I am approaching graduation and the beginning of a new chapter in my life, I am faced with numerous choices. I plan on attending college next year and earning a 4 year Bachelor’s degree in an area of business. As I am relating your situation to mine, I am starting to grasp the extreme difficulty it took for you to give up your family, friends, dreams, and other aspects to enter a war and knowing any day could be your last. Your heroic actions are well recognized in our society today

The legacy of our veterans will always have an influence in my lifetime. My great grandfather and grandfather are both veterans. My great grandfather fought in Germany during World War II and my grandfather was drafted right after he graduated college to fight in the Korean War. My grandfather reluctantly tells stories about his time in the military to my brothers and I. I never had the opportunity to talk to my great grandfather, but my father passes on his stories of his time in Germany to my brothers and I as well. These stories are immensely traumatizing. These stories have made me admire, not only my great grandfather and grandfather, but every veteran who made a sacrifice to fight for our nation.

Veteran are a role model to me and are future generations. Your valorous actions and indulgence have helped our country grow. I wish I had the chance to express my gratitude to you in person, but I would just like to say thank you for your sacrifice and welcome home. I am proud to call America my home.


Brenden P.

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