Faustin Epouhe, Project Manager | Teen Ink

Faustin Epouhe, Project Manager

May 11, 2009
By NancyP PLATINUM, Aurora, Illinois
NancyP PLATINUM, Aurora, Illinois
26 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Faustin Epouhe works as a Marketing/ Analytics Project Manager for Discover Financial Services or Discover Card. He designs and analyzes marketing campaigns of credit card users. Mr. Epouhe discussed with me some things about his job.

I need to ask you some questions about your job for a Career unit we are having in English class. Can you answer some questions?

Sure I would be glad to answer the questions you have for me.

I know you are a Project Manager. Can you give me a quick description of your job?

I work as a Marketing/Analytics Project Manager. I design and analyze marketing campaigns of credit card users.

Do you work in a group at your job? Do those people have the same job as you?

Yes. No we are not all Project Managers. In my group there are Project Managers, Analysts, Senior Analysts, Managers, and Senior Managers. Project Manager is just a title and there are more titles under that. There are several Project Managers in my group.

Do you think you need a good relationship with the people you work with in order to do a good job? Why?

Yes because every project I work on sometimes I need to get information from people and we exchange knowledge and information.

Can you tell me what kind of projects you are currently working on?

I am working on a project to set some standards on how to calculate the impact of marketing campaigns on the volume of purchases.

What do you need in order to be a good Project Manager?

I think you need to have a good relationship with your team members and a good understanding of the tools you need to use like software programs and databases and the business we are in which is the credit card business.

Have you finished any projects recently? If so can you tell about them?

Yes, I worked on a project recently looking at the relationship of the age of card members and their response to marketing campaigns. I was trying to see if we could target specific campaigns to certain age groups.

Are there different kinds of Project Managers? If so can you describe them?

It is difficult to describe them because a Project Manager is just a title and there are different kinds of Project Managers under that. There are Managers in the field I work in, there are some in the Banking Area, and there are some in the Network. In each business unit there are Project Managers.

Do you think your job is hard? Explain.

Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes there are questions you want to answer but you don’t necessarily know where to find the answer. There are also other projects that are not that difficult. You just have to repeat things you’ve done before. Sometimes it’s hard because the project takes longer.

Thank you for taking your time to come here and answer my questions.

You are welcome. I hope I have helped you to better understand what a Project Manager does.


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