Life Changing | Teen Ink

Life Changing

October 18, 2018
By Anonymous

*Pop..pop*... was all i heard when i was passing my old house. I use to think my old life was better but now i'm thankful on how far i've come to this day. I'm glad for the people in my life now and im glad im in a better place.

Growing up i didn't have much and i didnt know much. All i can remember was how hard my mom and dad worked to keep up with us kids. I never really realized how much my parents have did for me until i had got a job. Working is not what it seems, when my parent told me ¨ getting a job is not all that fun¨, I really should have listened. In the mornings for us was the same routine,wake up and get ready for school with my brothers and sisters. Sometimes we had to walk sometimes we got a ride.

The evenings were always the same, going to the same places, hanging out with the same people. My mom at dinner was kinda off, she wasn't the same. I could tell she wanted to tell us something big,something life changing. After we all had ate finally she had told us we were moving out,¨going to new places¨ she said. Never did it pop in my mind we were all being separated, but she asked us our opinions and who we wanted to stay with. This felt like a big decision and i just knew whatever i choose i would be stuck like glue so i needed to choose wisely.

I choose to stay with my father only because it was gonna be man to man conversations. My father and I never really connected until my sixteenth birthday. When we moved he wasn't strict on me or anything it was just we didn't talk. I always thought to myself ¨ maybe he doesn't interact with many people at all¨. But when i needed something he was always there for me. Being separated from the rest of my family was sorta hard. I had to realize that this move was gonna be good for me.

Hanging out with the wrong people almost cost me my whole teenage years. I had to channel my energy into something or someone positive. Now school is better, grades are better and life is great. I never knew this life changing move would help  come so far.

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