Is America great? | Teen Ink

Is America great?

February 18, 2021
By Anonymous

Over the past few years I’ve had the sense that the American population has become more brainless, moronic, and dense. People are constantly worried that other people’s intelligence is starting to hit rock bottom. When I was a kid, I saw websites talking about landing on the moon, but now I keep seeing social media morons that still think the Earth is flat. I saw that someone said that Nasa faked the moon landing because they wanted to be famous.I also keep seeing that people think that essential oils will cure the virus. 


I think I know what’s going on. Ever since the pandemic started, and when people thought that they could make cures for diseases there have been more people that are so desperate to find ways to cure the virus, but they don’t even check if it’s true they just believe them. Do you like being safe? Well then I have good news for you; the US spends 721 billion dollars a year on the military. That’s enough money for many planes, boats, bombs, and weapons. Now no country would ever think about messing with the US again.


For me, as for others, living in the US is something to be proud of. And there are advantages to living in the US. Gary Johnson, a former Governor of New Mexico says “We need to provide ourselves with a strong national defense” because having a good defence means a good country which means the US will be ready when there is any kind of attack going on.  But be warned: that would cost a lot of money. The government will have to find a way to make more money. Howie Hawkins, part of the green party of the US  says “The military budget takes more than 60 percent of federal discretionary spending totaling $989 billion annually” we spend way too much on the military. This is one of the reasons why America is in debt. America should at least lower some amount of the military budget. 


Living in America is causing the population to be slow, sluggish, and stupefied. Covid is a terrible virus, and I know most people just want the virus to be cured, but I’ve seen some people that don’t care about spreading the virus.Once we were blooming like flowers. Now we are breaking down like cavities in our decaying, damaged, disgusting teeth.

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