Essay Contest: Rainy Groceries | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Rainy Groceries

October 3, 2022
By Anonymous

Rainy Groceries 

Karen arrived home. The notification from life360 “mom arrived home” hit the screen of my phone. I know that she had taken a trip to the grocery store. Without hesitation I jump out of the chair I was sitting in and hustle downstairs. I get downstairs just in time to meet her at the door and open it for her. She is already bringing in the first trip of groceries from the car. Without her even asking I go outside on a rainy cool day to bring in groceries. 

I ended up bringing all of the groceries, which was about 7 trips there and back from the car. I place all of the groceries on the kitchen counter. At this point I can tell my mom is not having a good day, usually she puts all of the stuff away, but this time I stayed instead of leaving to go play more Xbox. 

This seemingly simple task of putting things away seemed easy to me but it became pretty clear that I was very clueless when it came to where things go. So I really had to focus and try to remember where things go and try not to ask my mom questions because that would just make her more angry. 

Now my mom and I have gotten all of the groceries put away in the kitchen and pantry. I am still soaked from the rain outside and my mom looks at me and says, “Thank you so much that helped a lot today.” 

I looked back and said,”You're welcome.”

I learned that it is always good to help people when you can because you never know how they are feeling on a given day.

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the Teens Making a Difference essay contest

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