But She Was The One... | Teen Ink

But She Was The One...

May 29, 2014
By CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"imagination is the beginning of creation" -George Bernard Shaw

Have you ever bonded with another person so perfectly that it was like God made you walk the same paths just to fit together in each others lives? like you were meant to be born to that person; to spend your life learning new things from them; and you would tell yourself that everything was ok? You were one of the people that actually realized what you had before it was just taken away from you, and the worst part of it all was that you had to watch them be taken from you; and you couldn't do a damn thing about it. Doctors always said that they tried their best to save her, that they did everything that they could, but either way she’s still gone, taken from you; and this is why the heart can't find a way to let it go.
It was the beginning of December when our family got the news of the young girls grandma. The fragile women was only 54 when the man in white gave her a date, but whose to say that he was right? only God knows when your time is up. Over a few weeks time frame the old women had already began to lose her hair, her withered skin slightly turning yellow; the first sign that the cancer had started in her liver. Her eyes began to turn away from their seawater turquoise fading into a deep grey, similar to the sky before a big storm. Her touch even began to sway off to just a gentle touch, almost as if the nerves weren't sending strong enough signals to the brain. However, the old women still kept a smile on her face, reassuring her family with hope that she would pull through.
The young girl sat by the bed, and held her hand; held it as if someone would come and steal her from her side. Even the young girls touch could not get any kind of reaction from the old women. It was the end of February, and the cancer was about to win, the young girl knew her grandma had fought until she couldn't fight anymore. Her conditions got so bad that the doctors had refused to further help her medical needs, they had said that it would have been a waste of time; let alone a waste of money. The young girl squeezed her grandmas hand, still no response. This was the time that everyone got before the end, that heart damaging one on one conversation, the last that you’d ever get in this life. The girl knew that, even before anyone had taught her that, she knew this was the end, as much as she knew it was too late to fight it anymore. The young girl grabbed her grandmas hand again and kissed it before making her last impression.
“Grandma, can you hear me?....why did this happen? why you?” The young girl fought the tears, fearing they would strangle her words from her mouth. “I never liked going to church, I only went because I got to spend the night here, I remember when me and my brother got in trouble because we waited for you to go to sleep, and you found us the next morning in the kitchen with empty cookie bags all over the floor.” A small smile escaped from the corners of the girls mouth.

“They said they were going to help you, but here you are, They just gave up and brought you here, grandma I don't want to watch you die. This families only holding because of you, if you're gone everythings going to go downhill.” The girl knew it would happen, and so did the old women lying on her death bed, this would explain why she held on this long. “ I don't even know what to say, I was able to tell you things that I couldn't even tell my own mom, because she would have judged me; who am I going to go to now? Grandma please don't leave me, your the only one I can trust in this family. I know God wants you to come home, but I feel a little selfish about that, you're my grandma I need you to see me graduate, I need you to meet the person I fall in love with later in life, to see my future children, and I can't help but think that you're going to miss that.” The salty water pushed its way through the beginning of the girls eye falling on the woman's hand. The young girl chuckles at herself before wiping the tears away, the old women raised her eyebrows before slightly squeezing her granddaughter's hand that held hers.
“I wish you could talk to me, just to say anything….” The old women takes a deep breath exhaling hard enough to let out a small sound of her voice. The young girl smiles as she wipes away another tear. “ Grandma I know I can't take care of you here, I’m not strong enough and it kills me. When I was a kid I use to dream of having superpowers I’d play with the other kids and pretend I had the power of strength and intelligence, but right now that all seems foolish to me. I wish I had the power to save you, to take away the pain, to cure your cancer and let you live; but i'm not God, and he can fix it, but we both know you're not coming back when he does….what kills me the most is that you're going to forget all about me, you have to forget; theres no pain and sorrow in heaven. I wish the best for you.” The old woman's breathing began to slow and her grip on the young girls hand began to loosen, the tears came in rushes like waves on the ocean. “I hope that the second you leave you're dancing on clouds, and that you won't feel a thing. All I can do is pray that I’ll see you again..” Her breathing finally came to slow stop and her withered hand went limp in the girls palm. The young girl buried her face as she began to cry loudly, the rest of the family entered the room to find their loved one gone. And everything seemed to stop, time, thoughts, speech; everything. And all the young girl could think about was she lost everything.
“ God why did she have to be the one..?”

The author's comments:
This is back when my grandma had gotten diagnosed with cervical cancer. Me an my family had been trying to save her for months then eventually the doctors wouldn't help her anymore. This was a small piece of what exactly happened from my point of view the night I lost my grandma.

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