News Flash | Teen Ink

News Flash

March 2, 2016
By Anonymous

Sometimes it's hard being a Christian especially when the world keeps pumping out the messages that are contrary tort your faith.
What are doing or watching or even listening to everyday?
Who areas listening to, God or Man?
Where or who do we go for advice?
I personally think its harder for young Christians , because we worry about how others see us.
It the media is working around the clock in an attempt to rearrange our priorities. The media says that our appearance is all- important, that its about our clothing, a d it depends on who we hang out with, and relationship with the opposite sex. All these things are "all- important"
    NEWS FLASH! The media is dead wrong! Those messages are lies from the devil himself.
The all-important things in life have little to do with parties, people and appearances.
The all-important things in life have to do with our faith, our future, and family.
Period. No question about it.

The media is pumping messages that are contrary to your best interests, messages that are often totally untrue. So your smart you will develop a "media filter" that separates truth from flat out lies.

The author's comments:

Something for every teen to remember. We listen to the media a lot, music TV ect. Sometimes we base our lives on things we hear or see. It is not healthy and I wanted to raise awareness.

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