All Alone | Teen Ink

All Alone

May 5, 2016
By Anonymous

The best feeling in the world is feeling like you're important to someone. Especially if you're the one person they trust in and tell everything. The worst thing in the world, is when they stop and find someone else. Someone else that they tell everything and trust. It sucks to feel like you've been forgotten or replaced, especially by one of your close friends.

That feeling in the pit of your stomach that you just lost your best friend. You may still be friends, but there will always be inside jokes or secrets that you're not in on. Most of the time in can be really upsetting because they just threw you to the side, but usually you're just sad. Sad because now you don't have your “person,” to talk to or tell things to. You're just another person they talk to about everyday things, while someone else is doing what you used to. It makes you feel lonely.

Being lonely, doesn't necessarily mean you're alone, it just makes you feel that way. When you lose your “person,” the loneliness seems to trap you in a type of darkness. Alone and in the dark isn't an ideal way to live your life, especially with no one to notice. You just kind of put a smile on your face and try to make it through the day. But it feels like even the smallest problems could push you over the edge, and no one cares because you're all alone. It feels like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and it’s exhausting.

Many people, after being alone for so long or replaced so often, can start to feel as if that's just how it's meant to be for them. While other people have someone to count on, they have themselves. Others have people to express themselves to, and the people that are alone, only have the thoughts in their heads to talk to. They are alone, and begin to rely on only themselves because everyone else leaves them. It may be horrible to think that there are some people who just can't find anyone, they're just, alone. No one likes to be alone, not for long.

For some people, being alone with their thoughts is a good thing because they finally have the peace and quiet to gather their thoughts. Other people see it as a blessing for only a few minutes before their thoughts begin to attack them. They hear and see all the horrible things people have ever said or done to them, and it's like they're there. They are back in that moment where someone attacked them with their words, not hands. Physical violence causes wounds you can see on the outside, but words cause mental and emotional scars to form and those don't go away. Those scars that you have on the inside, are the ones that can cause you to tumble right over the edge. The smallest things can make it happen. You can be perfectly fine on minute and the next, you're falling and there is no one there to catch you or help you put the pieces back together. It's especially bad when no one seems to notice.
You could tell someone what you're going through but there's a chance that they might not care. They may be sympathetic at first but they'll expect you to get over it. They expect it to be a one time thing and that after a little time, you're perfectly fine. They don't believe in what they can't see and claiming that you're falling apart or broken, will make them look at you and tell you to move on. They don't see you in pieces so they don't think you're hurt, but if you had a broken bone or nasty cut, they'd give you attention, until you got better. People will only really acknowledge you if you're in physical pain because they can't see the mental pain.

People can be insensitive creatures who worry only about themselves, but there are those few people who can relate to what you've been through or are going through because they've been in that position. It's hard at first but the only way to be able to trust people and let them in, is to love yourself. It may seem a little ridiculous but if you can't trust yourself, how do you expect to trust others? While being lonely and left behind can cause horrible feelings within, it's better to remember how horrible it was the first time you let yourself go there. If you can't find your “people” it just means you need to look further because you're “people” will never let those bad thoughts get to you. They'll be the people who grab your hand right before slip off the edge, the ones you can always trust, even when you don't trust yourself.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by a quote that said, "The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do." -Anonymous 

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