The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

September 19, 2015
By duaneeeee75 BRONZE, Riverside, California
duaneeeee75 BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  It was always Derrick’s to play in the NFL,  so when he was 14 years old he tried out for his high school football team . The school was Patriot High School, one of the  greatest programs in Riverside, California.
Derrick's mother was worried because when he was 9 years old while playing basketball he dislocated his right knee .  He has had surgery on it and he has always had problems with it since then .
Every morning his mother always tells him , “  Have an fantastic day baby , give it all you got,  “ .
I love you momma , “ said Derrick .
For the next four years Derrick played first string free safety ,second string  middle linebacker , and wide receiver . He averaged 2 touchdowns , 3 interceptions ,  and 4 tackles a game .
In his senior year he got at least 30 different offers  from schools from Stanford to USC .
“ Just chose what you want baby , just promise me that you will get a degree in something . Your a smart boy and you need something to fall back on if this football stuff doesn't work out , “ said Derrick's mother  .
“ I will momma , I will , “ said Derrick .
After months of deciding Derrick eventually picked his all time favorite school Arizona State . It was where his older JJ brother went , who is now in the nfl , and that's where he's going as well . On Derrick's first day of college his mother drove over 100 miles from Riverside to Arizona to see her son's first day of college .
“ You'll do amazing Derrick  , just do you and make sure to stay humble and you'll do perfect . I love you ! “ , said Derrick's mother .
" Love you too , thank you for everything . I am beyond grateful for everything , " said Derrick .
In his two years so far playing division 1college football he played first string wide receiver , and second string middle linebacker .
                               On June 15 , 2013  it was a foggy and muggy afternoon practice and Derrick was having a terrible pain in his right knee . The coaches and trainer said he was fine to play but he still had his doubts . He went out for a pass and landed on his knee and boom !  It happened .  A super sharp pain ran straight through his knee and he thought he tore his ACL . Screaming in pain the trainer bolted over and inspected his knee and he was right he did tear it . An ambulance rushed to the field and picked him up and rushed him to the doctors where he had immediate surgery . Doctors told him after the surgery that he might never play again . All of his hopes and dreams were gone . His dreams of entering the NFL draft were slowly fading away , until he thought to himself I can do this!
For the next three months he was bedridden stuck in his condo in Downtown Phoenix . Around the sixth month he was able to use crutches to get around , even though he was on crutches he still went to every game, practice, and worked out his arms daily .
After he was cleared to play , his main goal was to enter the draft. He worked until he was throwing up and so sore he couldn't move. He had  the same mindset every day, I can do this!
One year and six months after he tore his ACL and months of training he was entering the draft. 
He was picked by the Green Bay Packers to play wide receiver and middle linebacker .
His dreams finally came true .

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