Dreams | Teen Ink


September 12, 2019
By clynchgym BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
clynchgym BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Have you ever had a dream or goal for yourself and someone told you that you were not capable? I know that I have. Despite what people may think, I realized that I have to believe within myself that I can do it and I am capable. You will inevitably have people in your life who do not believe in you and think you are not capable; however, you cannot let that stop you from following your dreams. Going after your dreams is important, however in order to achieve a dream it is imperative that you set goals, have people in your corner who support you, and, ultimately, that you persevere. 
Goals are desirable because they are steppingstones that help you get to where you want to be. When you have a dream, you can set goals for yourself to help you stay on task and stay focused with what you want to get accomplished. Writing down goals helps immensely as it holds you accountable for what you are aiming to achieve. Not only does writing down your goals help, it also tells people about your goals so they can assist in holding you to those goals as well. Goals are good to have when working at achieving your dreams; yet, having people who support you along the way is another asset. 
An immeasurable component of supporting your dreams is having people in your life who are backing you no matter what the situation. A lot of the time we, as humans, face doubt in our lives, so having people in our lives who are standing with us is beneficial because it can keep us going and believing in ourselves. For example, my teammates play a sizable role in my gymnastics because they help support me. There are times in my gymnastics I think I cannot do it, or I think I am not good enough. My teammates are remarkable because when I get down on myself, they reassure me that I am enough, and I can do it. It is in those tough times where having a little reassurance that you can do it, helps tremulously. Not only is it extremely important to have support along the way when you are trying to achieve a dream, however it is also beneficial to have the courage to persevere through the tougher times. 
Persevering by never giving up is essential when you are wanting to achieve a certain dream. Life is full of challenges, whether it may be achieving a simpler task, like learning to make mac n cheese for the first time, or something more difficult, like learning to drive. No matter the goal, big or small, perseverance is crucial when the going gets tough. Life is not always going to be smooth sailing and easy when trying to reach any dream in life. When you persevere through hard times it gives you a sense of well-being and accomplishment knowing that you just got through that bump in the path. 
Following your dreams is an incredible undertaking, however, to achieve a dream it is imperative that you set goals, have people in your corner who support you, to ultimately, persevere. Going after your dreams can be wearisome because you may have doubt in yourself or people doubting you, nevertheless, you cannot give up. When life gets difficult you have to push through and know what you want. By setting goals, having support, and persevering through hard times, you are setting yourself up to be successful for whatever dream you’re looking to achieve in life. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about how when you set goals, have people supporting you, and ultimately, you persevere, you will be on the right path to achieve your dreams.

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