Flip Phones | Teen Ink

Flip Phones

March 4, 2018
By rad_rhubarb_3 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
rad_rhubarb_3 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many people are debating whether they should make the switch to a flip phone. Janey saw one of her worst nightmares when her smartphone broke. But instead of purchasing a new one, she did the unthinkable and instead bought a flip phone. She has become closer to her friends because of the effort involved to contact them. More people should make the switch to flip phones because of the medical complications which smartphones cause, the raised stress levels that children experience, and the lack of social skills that the younger generation has.

To begin with, cell phones cause many medical complications. Cell phones through off our natural ability to function by adding variables and issues. The first, and most disconcerting, occurs while lying in bed. The pillow covers one eye, and the other eye is left unassisted to look at the phone. In the article, "Smartphone Blindness,' And Other Health Hazards Of Our Favorite Gadgets" by Alice G. Walton, she states, "...the viewing eye [was] becoming light-adapted while the eye blocked by the pillow was becoming dark-adapted. Subsequently, when both eyes were uncovered in the dark, the light-adapted eye was perceived to be 'blind'." The blue light from the smart phone's screen momentarily bleaches our vision, much like after walking inside after having adapted to sunlight. The blue light also throws off the body's natural sleep schedule. Walton also states that "throw off our sleep-wake cycle, this happens in part because blue light reduces the amount of melatonin secreted in our brains, which we need to drift off."(2). When viewing a phone or tablet before bed, a person unknowingly wakes up their brain. Before bed is a time to relax and prepare to rest, when looking at a device, it prohibits the brain from doing that.

In addition, smartphones and tablets increase stress levels. Many Americans constantly have their phones on their person, which makes it easier to become distracted by them. Constantly checking social media is stressing me out. In the article ¨Smartphones Are Really Stressing Out Americans" by Alexandra Sifferlin she states that ¨People who constantly check their phones...worry about how social media is affecting their well being. Forty-two percent say they worry about how social media is impacting their mental and physical health...¨(1). When Americans are on electronic devices, such as smartphones, they worry that it is affecting their well being. Also, many parents worry about how technology is affecting their children. "Close to sixty percent say they worry about the impact of social media on their children's mental and physical health."(1). Children talk to their friends more over social media then they do in real life.

Also, smartphones prohibit children's social skills. While they are on their phones they are missing out on the opportunity to make connections with people. In the article "Would You Get a Flip Phone?" by Mackenzie Carro she states, "A survey by Common Sense Media found that kids spend about four hours a day on their smartphones."(2) By only talking to their friends over social media, many kids lack social skills needed to carry on a conversation. They also do not go outside as much as children from other generations. Carro stated that "Excessive screen time has been linked to loneliness, anxiety, and trouble sleeping."(2) Because of our thrown off sleep cycle our body does not receive the rest it needs. Children are isolated and do not have the opportunity to socialize with others as much as they have in the past. Many who use flip phones still stay in contact with all of the same people, they just have to put more effort into doing that.

However, smartphones help us more now than ever, students can snap pictures of notes, and stay in contact with their teachers all the time through email. Drivers no longer have to use large maps. They can have auditable driving directions with a simple voice command. There are also location-aware reminders that will show the list at a certain store or building. But we become lost and unable to imagine life without the digital help. Many young adults do not know how to use a map or find their way around the city without the help of a computer.

In conclusion, smartphones have many uses, but they also cause many medical complications, increase stress levels, and prohibit the growing social skills of children. Flip phones require thought, which more should invest in their technology. More people should make the switch to a flip phone because of the location awareness, and effort involved.

The author's comments:

In class, we talked about issues that came from using phones. I decided to research into it and then this was created.

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