The Price of a Sticker | Teen Ink

The Price of a Sticker

October 23, 2019
By softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cost. Everything comes with a price. Nothing is free. For some the cost may be a dollar, a crumpled up bill sitting deep inside the pocket of a favorite jeans. For others, it may be hard labor, sweat dripping down a veterans back as he pushes himself to his limits. But no matter the object, it comes with a price. Even that red, white and blue sticker, sitting wrinkled on the shoulder of someone trying a make of difference, had a price. For that sticker the price was high.

Ninety nine years later and the sticker is pushed away, that price long forgotten. People take advantage of this freedom they’ve been given and choose not to act. They make the decision to let that sticker fall from their shoulder to be trampled by people just moving to get through their day. The dedication of those from the past is absent of those in the present and diminishing from those in the future. But not me.

I will choose to make that difference. I will care. I will make my voice known. I will pick up that sticker and hold it close because it is my part in history. My influence that I made. Decades of fighting, decades of inequality and decades of suffrage are not lost on me. My vote will be cast because everything comes with a price and this price will not be forgotten, not by me. 

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