Too Many Gun, Too Little Control | Teen Ink

Too Many Gun, Too Little Control

November 14, 2014
By Zirwa BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Zirwa BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is gun control? Gun control is laws or policies that reduce and/or end gun violence. Gun violence needs to be decreased. To do so we need gun control. As a comparison, in class if you are distracted by an object, your teacher takes it away from you. They take it away because, it it is harming your learning. Also, if you don’t have the object that is distracting you, you will be able to focus. Guns are the distraction and they should be banned because they are more of a danger to society than an aid.Some Americans want guns while others want gun control. I am pro gun control. Gun control laws should be in place to make America safer. In order to decrease gun violence, gun control is necessary. 

Guns have become part of American culture. In today’s world, they are always in the news, movies, books, tv shows, and magazines. America has far too many guns and we aren’t strict enough to keep them out of the wrong hands “There are 88.8 guns for every 100 Americans” (Peters). Americans have the most gun violence and the most guns. Many lives are taken due to gun violence and we need to take action.

Thousands of people die each year because of gun violence. Those people probably have a family that was affected by the death. From 2006 to 2010, 47,856 people were victims of gun violence in the USA, according to the FBI. That is about 45,000 families that were affected by the murder of a loved one. How would you feel if your loved one was murdered due to gun violence? With gun control the rate of deaths will go down. According to Rebecca Peter it has been proven, “Australia didn't ban guns. Hunting and shooting are still thriving. But by adopting laws that give priority to public safety, we have saved thousands of lives” (Peters). This statement that Australians had gun control, still hunted but saved thousands of lives. If by just adding laws we could save thousands, what is the harm? Gun violence is already taking too many lives. 

As I said before, America has about 88 guns for every 100 Americans. According to The Guardian, “America has the most guns in the whole world.” (Simon). Having too many guns is giving criminals easier access to guns. Which is leading to gun violence. Gun violence leads to more deaths. If the core reason of gun violence, which is guns, is taken away there will be less deaths. According to The Guardian, America’s gun ownership rate is 10.2 per 100,000 and UK’s gun ownership rate is 0.25 per 100,000. America has a extremely high firearm related death rate while, UK has a very low firearm related death rate. This goes to prove that more guns, will mean more gun violence and less guns, will mean less violence.

Not everyone needs a gun. If everyone has a gun, it will be unsafe. As a comparison, if someone has illness that is related to tobacco. Tobacco is taken away because the tobacco is harming you, not given to you. Its the same way with guns. Guns are harmful and they should be taken away, not given more of.  Guns for protection won’t be needed if there is less gun violence.  How many times have you or anyone needed a gun to protect yourselves? The answer is probably very low. David Gilson said, “the states with the highest gun ownership rates have a gun murder rate 114% higher than those with the lowest gun ownership rates” (David). This statistic shows that gun control does not make a little difference; in fact, its makes a 114% difference, which is huge. According to Boston Magazine, Massachusetts has strict rules on firearms, which has led to fewer deaths. (Barry) As you can tell gun laws are strict but, they make a difference. A difference that can keep someone alive. A difference that can keep someone safe.

You may hear“The second amendment gives us, as americans, rights to bear arms”. That statement is incorrect because the second amendment gives a “well regulated militia” rights bear arms. According to 10 U.S. Code § 311, “an organized militia consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia”. A well regulated militia is not criminals. Criminals make people unsafe; however, a militia does the exact opposite. They make us feel protected. If you are a law abiding citizen it shouldn’t be a problem for you to get a gun. Gun control laws will not prohibit guns.  It will just make it stricter for criminals. Also, much has changed since this law was made. When this law was created guns were used to keep themselves safe and to protect from a tyrannical government. How many times have guns been used now, in America, to protect from a tyrannical government? None. This Amendment just doesn’t fit the situation anymore.

Many people argue that guns aren’t the main reason people are getting killed, people are.  A gun can lay on a table and nothing would happen. No one would get hurt, because guns don’t have the ability to harm without someone.

As that may be true, however it is flawed. Guns violence occurs because a person has some type of motivation. If someone is extremely motivated they can kill someone with a pencil; however, a gun would be a much easier alternative. Guns are a faster, easier, and a more common method for criminals to kill. Guns are especially used in mass shootings. I agree that people can kill without guns, however it is a lot harder to kill a large amount of people. Without guns, the number of mass shootings would decline. Mass shooting like the Sandy Hook shooting would not occur frequently.

There is a great deal of guns in America. Like I said before, if something is hurting you, it should be removed from your life. Right now guns are harming Americans, so guns should be taken out of American lives. There are already too many guns in America and we don’t need more.


Works Cited

Langley, Marty. "States With Higher Gun Ownership and Weak Gun Laws Lead Nation
in Gun Death." VPC - The Violence Policy Center, 24 Oct. 2011. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. .
Nolan, Barry. "Massachusetts: Where Stricter Gun Laws = Fewer Deaths." Boston Magazine, 09 Mar. 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2014. Gilson, Dave. "10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down." Mother Jones,
31 Jan. 2013. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
"Second Amendment." LII / Legal Information Institute, n.d. Web.
24 Oct. 2014. .
"10 U.S. Code § 311 - Militia: Composition and Classes." LII /
Legal Information Institute, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. .
Rogers, Simon. "Gun Homicides and Gun Ownership Listed by
Country." The Guardian, 22 July 2012. Web.>.
"Expanded Homicide Data Table 8." Federal Bureau of Investigation, n.d.
Web. .
Peters, Rebecca. "When Will the US Learn from Australia? Stricter Gun Control Laws 
save Lives." The Guardian, 14 Dec. 2012. Web. .
U.S. Constitution. Art./Amend. II

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