What's Up with the Middle East and Terrorism? | Teen Ink

What's Up with the Middle East and Terrorism?

February 10, 2015
By Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."

Seriously what's up? I'm an Egyptian who had been living in Saudi Arabia for the past maybe 15 years so you could say I had lived my entire live in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Currently, however, I'm living in Egypt.. Why am I saying this? Well, because I need to reflect to you where I'm coming from and how does that shape my experience of the Middle East. Frequently one hears that the Middle East is associated by terrorists who most frequently as well terrorize the West specifically. This statement or assumption is both at best true and false. The west needs to change it's stereotypical view of Muslims or Arabs as terrorists. However, there ARE Muslim and Arab terrorists and they do terrorize not only the West but the Middle East itself. A pack or a group of terrorists should NEVER reflect the views of a BILLION of people living in the Middle East. For example, a complete country such as that of Germany has terrorized the world in it's Jew eradication and world domination campain which consequently spurred World War II. Can we today argue that because of what Germany did in World War II , all Germans or Christians today are terrorists? Of course not. The same case is with that of the terrorists. ISIS, an organization terrorizing the world today in the name of Islam, is in factly mostly terrorizing and taking over parts of Arab and Muslim Middle Eastern countries. It is the duty of us all not only Middle Easterns but the whole world to fight that God forsaken organization , for if terrorism is left unchecked then it will not only consume the Middle East but also it would eat up the entire West. But what do teens have to do with all this political complex nonsense? Teens are the essence of the society. They have to take it upon themselves to change the status quo in dealing with grave situations such as terrorism. The case isn't in one's color or religion or origins. It's as simple as there are two kinds of people in the world: People advocating people and people blostering war. Those two people should face up against each other regardless of any other factor. We, as teens, owe it to the world to create a changing , adaptive, and peaceful community with it's leaders looking for each other and promoting peace not only in a leader's respective country but all over the world.

The author's comments:

I , basically, am from and live in the Middle East. I view things differently from many Western mass media that views terrorism as an exclusive Middle Eastern/Muslim/Arab which in gravely incorrect. Terrorism has had many forms for centuries; it didn't essentially start with people with certain criteria. This article serves to enlighten people about the nature of terrorism and it's relation to the Middle East.

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