Welcome to Europe! Sike | Teen Ink

Welcome to Europe! Sike

March 29, 2016
By viewsfromthedirtysr BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
viewsfromthedirtysr BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What the heck is wrong with Europe? Telling migrants and refugees to come on in and then slamming the door literally in their collective face. European countries are not just barring entry, they are forcefully escorting refugees back to where they came from. But what’s the big deal? They’re fleeing poverty, war, inequality, all viable things to be fleeing from to be sure. And they’re not all rapists (the German Carneval episodes) or terrorists (the Paris attacks) or whatever flavor of scum you prefer. In the words of South African president Jacob Zuma, “some of them are good people”. So how do you tell them apart?

This is the dilemma that European countries face. Shut them out, and they look like assholes. Let them in, and they risk all of the problems associated with allowing large groups of foreigners into your backyard. And I’m all for humanitarianism and all that but I mean come on, we’re America and we don’t even let everyone in. So let’s chill out with the criticism; after all, it’s just “light xenophobia, with just a dash of diplomacy”. Just remember: what would Trump do?

Light em on fire and send em to hell probably. But there’s a moral lesson here; how are we supposed to tell good people from bad people, without seeming racist/sexist/ageist/all the other -ists? The short answer is you can’t. So either let them in and waste time on damage control, or cut your losses and lock the doors.

Personally, I got your back Frau Merkel. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Useyourbrain said...
on Apr. 4 2016 at 10:39 am
The only person that invited refugees was Merkel in Germany, one member in a 28 nation block. Remember they may share a common currency and open borders but they are not a USA yet. You may want to do your homework before you speak. The USA lets millions of illegal migrants in by the way. The problem is they come in hordes, expecting freebies and the government has no vetting process. According to your perspective countries should have no borders, allow everyone in under the guise of refugees then worry about the cost of human lives later. We are the tax paying law abiding citizens, how long do you plan on working so you can contribute 100% of your pay to taking care of the world? That's called communism and even communist countries have borders!