Do Girls Need to Bring Their Boyfriends Everywhere They go?  | Teen Ink

 Do Girls Need to Bring Their Boyfriends Everywhere They go? 

May 26, 2022
By laurenjez BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
laurenjez BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When my friend got a boyfriend, it was all normal. She and I still talked daily, nothing interrupting us and our friendship until it did. A girl's trip to the beach is in the works, and she is determined to bring her boyfriend. I believe that it is only healthy to take even a few hours away from your significant other because you have to remind yourself what it is like to be with your friends for the day. The idea that bringing your boyfriend everywhere you will not bother your friends is wrong. Remembering you need to spend quality time with your friends is crucial.

Someone like my friend- someone in a relationship might see the stance I have taken and take offense to it understandably. But an obsession with one another is never going to be a healthy component, even if it’s something as small as going to the beach or hanging out with your friends without a significant other. A blog post written by Tara Carr, titled, “Why a Girls Trip is Good For Your Relationship,” explains how important it is to maintain a healthy space. She writes, “Taking some time away to be with your girlfriends will help you to appreciate your significant other even more. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder!” This explains that jittery feeling, full of excitement when you finally realize you can lay in your own bed after a week-long vacation. This may seem odd to my friend, the lovebird, but the benefit of taking that little trip for the day, she will remember what it feels like to hang around the girls.

Being able to spend time away from a significant other is a new opportunity to strengthen your relationship, and it is also a new outlook for many people in relationships. How unfathomable is it that you cannot see your boyfriend for the day! Laura Stafford, a writer for National Communication Association explains it perfectly. Stating, “The absence, they say, helps them to appreciate their partner more and makes the relationship stronger. In fact, people in long-distance relationships tend to maintain their relationships longer, be less likely to break up, and be more in love and satisfied than people in geographically close relationships.” This does not mean that you cannot see your significant other somewhat frequently but considering the fact that people who live very far away from each other can still be in a healthy relationship, also means you can spend the day away from your boyfriend.

An article that really put it into perspective, “Do You Bring Your Man To Girls’ Night? Don’t” By Julia Austin summarizes my point perfectly. She explains, “It has nothing to do with how much they love or don’t love your man—I bet they adore him! But girls’ time is sacred.” I believe that she is a good friend, but I also want her to see that it is okay to spend some time with her friends. I propose that she comes to the beach with all of her friends without her boyfriend, and she will see not only that she will have a good day, but might also understand the benefits.

Works Cited

Austin, Julia. “Do You Bring Your Man To Girls' Night? Don't.” MadameNoire, 30 October 2018, Accessed 16 May 2022.

Carr, Tara. “Why A Girls Trip Is Good for Your Relationship – Afropolitan Mom.” Afropolitan Mom, 21 July 2017, Accessed 16 May 2022.

Stafford, Laura. “Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but ….” National Communication Association |, 1 February 2007, Accessed 16 May 2022.

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