A Twisted Family | Teen Ink

A Twisted Family

February 15, 2016
By JulssRivera BRONZE, Barrigada, Other
JulssRivera BRONZE, Barrigada, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is to those who never knew what it is like to have a family as corrupted as politicians. It was not a physical pain, but it was mentally hurtful. From someone who once told me “Family is forever,” ended up being, “Family is forever, yet never.” It was about a family who never truly love each other like how a family should be able to love one another. I am not even sure if it is a family at all.

I do not know how it all started, but it feels like there is no end to it all. An unstable family where there are siblings against siblings, and damages that occurred. Yelling and screaming across the halls made me wonder if it was victorious or a defeat after all. Where daughters cry, and rebel against their mothers. It is all a big argument that tears families apart. So who is the name on top of the will? The children break rules while their mothers are on their phones. Please just let my daughter eat. As the blood river flows the women turn into beasts. The men would do anything for their queens. Promises are said kept, then broken or delayed. Until there is peace, no one is mentally safe.

Big brother yells and little brother doesn’t say anything at all. I never want to live here after all. The aunts fight and uncle’s delight is the intoxication of the red apple ale. Is this what a family is supposed to be all along?


Every morning, it is quiet. Not a single sound out of their mouths, but the television blasts in our ears blocking the war that has never started, yet never ended.

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