Realities and Expectations | Teen Ink

Realities and Expectations

May 23, 2022
By Anonymous

People's expectations for genders has left an inappropriate impact on people and how they view him/herself. Men are supposed to be buff, be the leader of the family, and must keep their feelings in. Women need to be slim and thinner and must wear makeup. These expectations are nasty and inappropriate. 

In some cases, men are considered “less of a man” because they cannot fulfill the expectation of financial provision. To have expectations for a person can take a toll on mental health if you expect a man to always hold their feelings in their mental health will go down hill. 

Young girls are developing feelings of inadequacy at a younger age than ever before as a result of expectations for them to be skinny. Specifically, teenagers' bodies change like crazy going through puberty. When people make comments like “you need to be slim” or “you need to be buff” those words right there can make someone feel unwothy. 

That's what expectations do they make real humans who have feeling and different body types feel bad about themself or they need to change themself. Expectations are a disaster waiting to happen that's why the world expectaions are they most inappropriate thing for anyone to have on a person. People need to learn to stop making judgemental comments on a person.


Work cited 

“Men Carry the Burden of Society’s Expectation of Masculinity.” The Mail & Guardian, 22 Nov. 2021,

Unreal Expectations from Women That Society Wants Them to Fulfill. Accessed 12 May 2022.

The author's comments:

I am a 13 year old swimmer, runner, and horseback rider. Being active and hearing words like "horseback riders need to be skinny". Those 6 words can ruin someone so I wnated to bring attention to those evil expectaions. 

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