LGBT Youth In Charlottesville | Teen Ink

LGBT Youth In Charlottesville

April 28, 2011
By Anonymous

I believe that Charlottesville should have an LGBT Youth Center. That way we can have somewhere to go that close if you live in C-ville and that we don't have to hide like we do in a Rec. Center or a Youth Group. I also think that there should be a LGBT club in Walker, Buford, and CHS. They know there are some Gay, Lesbian, and Bi kids in there school and they just want up to hide? I really wanna talk to some one about this and see what I can do because we need a play to hang, and chill, and talk to people just like us. We don't need a place to hang, and chill, and duck whenever someone thinks you're gay. It's not ok and it's not right. I'm really scared because I'm just a kid. Who listens to a kid, ya know. But I'm not the only one who thanks this, I know I'm not! So I'm looking for people and away to make this work and get, at least an LGBT Club. If that works I'm going to look at an LGBT Youth Center.

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