What leads teens to committ suicide | Teen Ink

What leads teens to committ suicide

April 23, 2013
By Anonymous

Do you know someone that has talked about or attempted suicide? According to “ Sobering Statistics”, suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents and teenagers. In our generation, suicide has been over looked and tossed behind. There needs to be away to help our generation through their suffering.

People think that teens have an easy life. But that is wrong. We go through stress, peer pressure, and sometimes bulling. These little things sometimes escalate to feelings that teens are not wanted and that they cannot handle in everyday life. They feel like they have no way out.

Something that leads a person to commit suicide is: problems in their own life, family problems, relationships, or too much stress. According to “Sobering Statistics”, in a recent survey, one in seven high school students reported they had seriously considered attempting suicide. Nearly one in 14 said “they had actually attempted suicide one or more times.”

In this day and time, our schools have some teachers that don’t really want to help the student or they overlook the student that have this problem. In our schools today, the public hears of teachers making fun of students and talking about them in a negative manner. In is action it really brings down students and furthers their reason to commit suicide. We were always told that we can go to our teachers to seek help, but in today’s society, students are afraid to tell what they are going through. They are afraid due to the fact that someone might over hear and make the bullying process increase.

I have a close friend who has attempted suicide. She felt like there was no way out and she wanted to by treat normally. She has always had depression ever since I have known her. Depression was the first stepping-stone to her attempt. She told me she did not want to die, she just wanted for someone to understand her. The way she got help was talking to her friends about her depression and her attempt to commit suicide.

Teens who think suicide is the answer are at their breaking point. They feel as if they are trapped and have no way out. Some even believe that if they were gone no one would care or miss them. Getting the word out on teen suicide would help save our young generation. If we can see and learn the signs of a teen about to commit suicide, we can prevent them from taking their life. Every teen is special and deserves a chance at life. According to “Sobering Statistics”, youth suicide rates vary widely among different racial and ethnic groups. In 2001, white youth had a suicide rate of 11.5 per 100,000, compared to rates of 7.3 for African Americans, 6.1 for Hispanics youth, 6.4 for Asian Americans and 18.8 for American Indians and Alaskans. If we can create clinics on drug, alcohol, and STDs then we can create a clinic for people how attempted suicide. We need to oden our ears and hearts and listen to our teens, because by us just listening could save a life.

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