Do video-games influence violence? | Teen Ink

Do video-games influence violence?

January 8, 2014
By the_judge BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
the_judge BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


There's too much of it, but where does teen violence come from? Some studies say movies, other say TV shows, but most of them say video-games.

When a dad or a mom sees the news and they says that the killer played violent video-games, they just take of shooting games for a week and then they forget about it.

If parents are just going to do that what is the difference?

"There's an association, but it's not a very robust one." says Katherine Newman author of books about the topic. 75% psychologists say that it does, 10% is still deciding and 15% is against.

Most of the teens are against, most of the parents don't care, society also doesn't care.

What do you think?

A few months ago in Washington D.C a man called Aaron Alexis, entered the navy yard and shot people that worked there, killing 13. The FBI investigated his house and found violent games, opening a closed scar.
Do video-games influence violence?

"Aaron was peaceful person, and never targeted or hated none of his bosses." according to Aaron's friends, but he was diagnosed for mental disease.
"Video-games mostly influence people with mental disabilities. Your mind and your background directly influences if you would do something like that.” says neurologist Daphne Bavelier.

Imagine that you suffered bullying your whole life, your parents divorced or dead, friends you have none. These are the backgrounds of people that attack schools or do crazy violent things.

90% of kids in the world already played some kind of video-game and most them became violent, so why do cases like the navy yard shooting happen?

It’s scientifically proved that people who play strategy games, do big life decisions 25% faster than a person who doesn’t. It’s also proved that people who play video - games can do 6 things at the same time without messing them up. So video-games can have a good effect in your brain.
“That’s because they came from good homes, aren’t victims of bullying, don’t have mental health issues, and don’t have many other risks factors of violence .” says psychologist Brad Bushman.

Happenings like the navy yard shooter, don't just happen here in United States. They also occur in many other places, like: Brazil ( April 7 2011, Wellington Menezes de Oliveira), China ( April 13, 2010, Yang Jia Qin). But unfortunately the US still has highest percentage in school attacks with 45% world wide.

Video-games have many classifications, Strategy, Indie, TPS (Third Person Shooter), RPG and etc. But the most violent games are in the FPS (First Person Shooter), and Third person action adventure classification. One good example is the game "God of War". This game is so violent that when you kill people you actually see their lungs coming out. It's this kind of game that influences violence, these kind of games make violence normal for people with mental disabilities. Or you think this is normal to a game that 13 year old are playing?

These kind of attacks happen worldwide not just here in the US, and they are becoming less common but they still are happening. So parents must control the type of games that their son and daughters are buying and playing, God of War is not for 13 year old, GTA also not. Some games are too violent for 13 year old or less, go play mario, pokemon, Call of Duty, games like God of War are not ok.

We must control what teens are playing.

We must make school shootings not happen any more.
We must make society less violent.
We must and we can.

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