local issues | Teen Ink

local issues

January 10, 2014
By Anonymous

Okay so the other day my father was on his motor cycle to come get me and some teenagers through a glass bottle across the chain link fence to the freeway. it hit the ground by my father's motorcycle as he is going 70 mph shrapnel showers his lag (thank god he was wearing jeans) and chips the paint on the hard-bags. I'm telling you this not to complain about the price of a new paint jobs but to say what is so wrong in our society that teenage boys could have killed my father and widowed his wife stolen him from his unborn child for five minutes of "humor." why is it that my family can brush this off and say "wow close call"? when this is not an individual mistake or act of violence but a major flaw in society. in life there are no second chances there are no cheat codes when it comes to death or injury. lets say he swerved to avoid the bottle and skids into oncoming traffic is it so funny then? or lets say he gets glass in a major artery or maybe it pops his tired and he crashes into a ditch lets say maybe he is alright in the means that he can walk and talk but he cant work what then? those kids could have shattered our lives and they will never see it that way they probably wont remember. why is it the people like this go unpunished even if it is just a paint scratch it could have been more. what I'm really wandering is how does one person think of this and the other nods thinking "wow how funny"

The author's comments:
this is a true story I'm dumbfounded at what we have come to.

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