The Choice | Teen Ink

The Choice

January 21, 2014
By Madisongmont BRONZE, La Mesa, California
Madisongmont BRONZE, La Mesa, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Choice
Every year in the U.S., millions of humans are diagnosed with terminally ill diseases. These people have to suffer through the pain and sorrow that they will be facing death soon. The debate over assisted suicide has been going on for many years. Though, in America, few states have created laws that legalize physician- assisted suicide, other states do not see eye to eye with this topic. Physician- assisted suicide will give patients their own freedom to choose life or death, it provides a peaceful and safe way to end a patient’s life, and the patients can die with dignity. Some might disagree with physician- assisted suicide because it goes against most religious beliefs, can be used for the wrong reasons and can be a hard process to go through for the patient’s family. Every human deserves their own rights, so terminally- ill patients need to have the choice to physician- assisted suicide in every state.

Evelyn was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. She fought against her cancer with radiation and pills, but the cancer still spread. She then told her physician that she wanted to die. Her physician told her that she had six months to live. She was directed to an organization where they gave her medication to die a quick and painless death (Lawrence). This story is one of many, where patients lose hope and are content with death. This story proves that many patients want to die peacefully and have the choice to not experience the suffering of waiting for the kiss of death. In, The Right to Die, Lawrence discusses how many terminally ill humans want to live a life with dignity, and do not want cancer to consume them. For instance, “Many of Oregon’s dying and their families are less enthusiastic about forcing terminally ill patients to die slowly, in pain, and without dignity.” It is hard to see someone people care about die right in front of them. It is even harder for a patient to see themselves shrivel into nothing, in just months. That is why patients should be able to die with dignity.

Few states have begun to legalize physician- assisted suicide in the United States. Oregon is one of the states that have legalized physician- assisted suicide.” In 1997, Oregon passed the Death with Dignity Act, making it the only state to permit physician- assisted suicide” (Lawrence). Since Oregon has passed this law, many patients have taken this opportunity to die with dignity. It is not easy for anyone to realize that they will be “killing themselves,” but sometimes that is the best option.

Finally, physician-assisted suicide provides a safer way to end a terminally ill patient’s life. For example, Emanuel Mcgeorge had severe cancer and did not have the choice of physician-assisted suicide, so he handed his wife a note and then went outside, lodged a shotgun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger (Lawrence). This provides an example of how someone would end their lives if they did not have the option to physician-assisted suicide. Patients have the sense that they do not want to let cancer get the best of them, so they find any way possible to die in the best way for them. Furthermore, many physicians agree with the opportunity for humans to be able to choose life or death for themselves. For instance, “Denied the opportunity for physician-assisted suicide, some patients chose a more violent way of ending their lives” (Lawrence). This explains that physicians will rather help a patient end their life peacefully, then having the patient end their life in a stressful and scary atmosphere. So, if patients are denied the opportunity, then most will find another way to end their life that is painful and violent. Terminally ill patients need to have the choice, so they can end their life peacefully with family by their side.

In conclusion, terminally ill patients need to have the right to choose death because it will give them a safe and peaceful way to end their lives, let them die with dignity, and have them make their own faith. Living in pain and sorrow is no way to live, so try to think how a terminally ill patient will feel when they find out they have a certain time period to live. Every State in America needs to legalize physician-assisted suicide, because it is the right thing to do for people who feel like they have no other choice.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my interest in the choices Americans have if they become terminally ill.

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