The Target Bathing Suit Ad | Teen Ink

The Target Bathing Suit Ad

June 3, 2014
By Briella13 SILVER, Nowhere, Michigan
Briella13 SILVER, Nowhere, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I feel the need to write in order to commend Target for their new bathing suit ad. It's sad, really, that there are all those people beleaguering them for their misuse of Photoshop and no one congratulating them on what is obviously a fantastic idea- the crotch gap. How long have young girls and even some older girls been attempting to achieve that thigh gap that so many models appear to have? Certainly for as long as I can recall. I don't remember any ads showing off models with jiggly legs that stick together no matter what. If women want to get anywhere in the world, they need to have the thigh gap, and advertising companies understand that, so that's how they advertise. Target, however, isn't impressed.

Girls have had decades to gain that gap and it's time to move on. It's time to go to the next level. Target knows that if women work hard enough, they can have a crotch gap, which is soon to be the latest model of beauty. Men will turn their attention away from the girls with thigh gaps when they know they can get a woman with a crotch gap, and all of those ladies who are lazy enough to not have any gap will just have to become nuns or crazy cat ladies. If they want to be attractive, it's their choice.

Target's ad is obviously only going to be the first of many demonstrating this new goal they have given women everywhere (everywhere being wherever women have Internet and Target). I'm sure we can soon expect more ads showing off all their models who have spent the past few years cultivating their crotch gaps. And surely Target won't be alone in embracing this new phase of human history. Clothing departments will need to get in on it, because jeans are going to have to be cut a little differently now. This is also a fantastic chance for exercise programs and diet programs who can now develop routines specifically catering to those who are ready to get rid of some crotch. Only working for slim stomachs and legs is for pansies. It is those who truly desire beauty that will be able to achieve the crotch gap.

Target has bestowed this goal, this gift, to us, as well as provided businesses more ways to make money. Businesses making more money means extra money for the workers in our society, which means our society will grow not only more beautiful but also richer. Isn't that what the American Dream is? Money and beauty? And Target is felling two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, it didn't anticipate the close-mindedness in our society that would result from the ad.

Instead of receiving jubilant compliments, people have been ranting on the Internet about the impossible standards Target ads and other ads set for young girls. People seem to think that girls will think themselves ugly because they don't have a crotch gap. This is a large problem in America; people assume that if they can't do something, no one can. Maybe you, crazy Internet Debbie Downer, can't achieve a crotch gap, but that's due to your own lack of dedication. I'm sure most girls will find that if they spend their days and nights running and if they don't eat anything but cotton balls, they can have the crotch gap of their dreams. Don't be a dream-crusher. Help your young girls understand that beauty is hard work, but it is a necessity in life. If they want success in life, they will have to work hard to develop their outer beauty, the most important part being the crotch gap. And, if girls even think about giving up, they can get all the motivation they need from the Target bathing suit ad.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 26 2015 at 8:39 pm
Briella13 SILVER, Nowhere, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This was my first attempt at satire, so the intention was to be sarcastic.

Mikey123 said...
on Feb. 7 2015 at 9:50 pm
I feel like you might be sarcastic but I can't quiite tell.