Alone | Teen Ink


June 13, 2014
By Mex-CLR BRONZE, Brewster, New York
Mex-CLR BRONZE, Brewster, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Space: the final frontier. As of late, space is still vastly undiscovered. It’s a chest with hidden treasures. We can only ponder on what is out there. Many assume that we are alone in this universe. Believing that we are the lone species of intellect. Believing that we must survive on our own. Believing that we are left to journey out into the abyss of nothingness, forever searching.

On the other hand, there are those who think otherwise. They believe we have already contacted alien life. They believe we are being watched over by “guardians.” They believe that the government is hiding something from us. Ultimately, we are left to wonder, are we really alone?
Let’s imagine that the earth is a number on a die and that all the other numbers are lifeless planets. If a billion dice were rolled, would there not be at least 2 or more earths rolled? And if we expanded this to a greater number of dice, wouldn't more earths be rolled? Doesn't this create an exponential chance for other “earths” and other “life?”

Its a know fact that our universe is constantly expanding, but as of now how big is earth compared to our universe? The picture on the next page puts this into scale.

(Earths Location in the Universe By Andrew Z. Colvin.)

In this picture, every red spec (red words) represents the last scaled system. For example in the Milky Way Galaxy picture the red spec represents our Solar Interstellar Neighborhood. Each image is incredible larger than the last. Each image makes the last seem insignificantly small. With all this “space,” is it really possible that we are alone?” Is there no one out there who can answer our call?

To answer this, some look towards the inexplicable. These are the mysteries in life that can’t be answered. For example, over the course of history there have been structures that seem inexplicable. The pyramids of Giza or of Mexico, Easter Island, Stonehenge, Puma Punku, and countless others, are all inexplicable. Each has one similarity: they were all built early on in civilization. During this early stage of development, scholars question how such structures could have been constructed? The people at that time were primitive, unintelligent, uncivilized. How could such people possible erect structures of such detail and caliber?

These civilizations were alone… so we thought. They obviously didn't have the technology or the skill to create such elaborate structures. Theorists have calculated that some of these structures are impossible to create, even today. That’s right, not even modern man can build such structures. Thus, ancient astronaut theorists believe they were helped. Someone, or something, had to have aided these people. This is where are “friends” come into play. These helpers ultimately, would be much more advanced than us. They would be much more intelligent than us. They would see us as the primitive species.

Theorists believe these structures were constructed to idolize these helpers. These structures serve to commemorate the helpers. To remind us that we aren't alone… and yet, many don’t believe this. Many just brush away the truth. They don’t care if we are alone or not. They don’t have a sense of imagination. They are incapable of accepting the fact that we aren't as special as we think.

Truthfully, we have always relied on others. It’s human nature. No one person can be great. It is with the help of others that they truly shine. Yes someone can be gifted, but it’s based on his/her environment that decides how he/she develops. If they are cared for and supported, they will succeed. If they are neglected and shunned, they will fail.

With this in mind, the human race couldn't have survived without aid. After all the struggles we have gone through, some omnipresent force must have kept us straight. We must have guardian angels watching over us.

Ultimately, I believe its up to you to decide. If you think we are alone, than we are. It would seem as if we have been put on this earth, to be made a fool of. Space would be a vast emptiness, created to mock us. Space would be a hellish torture that we must forever endure. It would be like living in a house and never leaving. You would always question and wonder what exists outside your enclosed world. But alas, you would never know. The burning question would forever haunt your existence.

If you think we aren't alone then we aren't. You believe that space is a source of our ingenuity. Yes you may question whether we are alone, but this wouldn't depress you. You would be encouraged to search; to venture out to the far reaches of the universe; to find a solution to the perpetual question, “Are we alone?” In your mind, space is a gift. It’s an opportunity for endless advancement and adventure.

What do I think? Well let’s just say I’m hopeful. Every now and then I’ll look up and wonder, “Am I alone?”

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