Remembering the American Dream | Teen Ink

Remembering the American Dream

April 22, 2015
By Paulina Olivas BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Paulina Olivas BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
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The American Dream, the idea that caused many immigrants to travel and live in the United States. The American dream has a different meaning for each and every person. A person’s belief of The American Dream portray from their stance in society and what morals they grew up learning. In the coming of years the common American Dream has seemed to have shift. It is not only about family and freedom, but of something else. The idea of The American Dream has changed over the decades, greed has taken over the lives of common Americans and the crave of living the high end lifestyle. As people grow older, they have most likely have changed their view of the American Dream since with the new coming of generations, values and moral beliefs have changed.

The early idea of the American Dream has changed by the coming years. The original idea of the American Dream was moving to America, to obtain freedom and create a new future for your family. These days many people have problems with immigrants. Many immigrants are currently trying to peacefully live in America to begin their new American life. To live in the United States is the American dream for most of all immigrants, to earn money to finally be able to support their family and to build their children's future and education. The American Dream is not as big and special  to the common American, it’s commonly just fame and money that they desire the most. Some are greedy and desire the most that money could get them, not so much the value of morals and true happiness, but most believe money and substitute those things.

The American Dream originated out of hope, but these passing years it’s all about greed. The important thing now is having the highest paying jobs, being the head chief of a high end, well known company. Most who strive for these hopes and dreams forget what truly makes them happy. Many families and friendships have been crushed by workaholics wanting to achieve greatness and make their  whole family proud. These days all you hear about is money and jobs. The only reason everyone is going to college or a university is to become successful, a professional at their dream job. A high paying job, one that will be able to afford all the desires you would hope for. Most students don't achieve that  so called “American Dream” and are left in crippling debt. The modern American Dream is more like a fantasy, the dream of being part of the elite in America, nothing to do with love, life or happiness.

The modern American Dream could be seen as achieving the celebrity lifestyle. The view of the original American dream seems to be overcome with social media. In the movie "The Bling Ring" the young adults robbed from celebrities to obtain that expensive lifestyle. In the TV show "Breaking Bad" the hunger for money drives the father to abandon his family to achieve his dream of being ridiculously powerful and rich, The new generations seem to view achieving the celebrity lifestyle to be accomplishing in life. Having an attractive wife, having expensive cars and a huge house. Most would believe achieving this luxurious lifestyle is the ultimate dream. The public is surrounded with these celebrities, with magazines, TV shows and every day news on a daily basis. Its no wonder people feel driven to be like these celebrities when most look up to look and dress like them. High end clothing is extremely vogue these days, anything that is expensive and luxurious seems to be in style everywhere you go. With the passing years, the American Dream has seemed to lose its true meaning. The new modern American Dream is overly driven by the hunger for money and need to live the high end life. What it truly meant was for love, freedom and happiness. Most are blinded with social media and their stance in society to truly treasure what they have today. Common Americans are living awfully stressed lives in order to achieve what is believed to be the main achievement in live in the United States, a huge home and unnecessary luxurious things. Most have forgotten the true things that matter in life. The gain of love and happiness is the true American Dream. The American Dream isn't something that you can simply buy, it's something that is truly gained in the heart and soul. Which would be liberty, love and the pursuit of happiness.

The author's comments:

What I realy want people to realize is what truely matters in this day of age. Everything is about money and being more successful than everyone else. Some people forget about love, family and change.

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