Never Give Up | Teen Ink

Never Give Up

May 7, 2015
By Anonymous

"Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving." -Albert Einstien


The reason anyone shouldn't give up is because you never know when your gonna accomplish your goal, therefore you shall not give up. Think about it, your right there about to finish what you started, and you decide to give?


Even if your in sports you can't give up. One thing my coach told me was "keep trying until you got nothing left!" wich really inspired me me not to stop trying. She also told me was " nkt only dp you let yourself down, but you let your team down and even your audience." So think about your team and the people watching you.


Another reason not to give up is you never know whos looking up to you. What if yourplaying a sport and you think of giving up, but then you thinknwhos in ,the audience? Perhaps a little girl thats wants to be you one day, what will she think?

     "Never give up on something you really wany, Its difficult to wait, but even more difficult to regret." -unknown

The author's comments:

I wrote this to inspire people not to give up. Because sp many people out there that are so close to to accomplishong their goal and they just give up.

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