Judgemental | Teen Ink


April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Are you one of those judgemental person? You feel uneasy to look at someone? What's running in your mind? To be honest, we can't help ourselves to be innocent, to not thinking anything negative about others, because we are human, and a normal person will definitely judge every single thing they look at.

You can judge people, you can judge things they do, how do they wear, the way they talk, maybe their crush as well? We judge everyday. Although we are not the official judges where you have to write down the marks for the contestants and stuff, we still love to judge everything.

Actually, you can easily look at something, judge by yourself and just keep it inside you. There is no point for you to make people feel uncomfortable by staring at them, letting them know that you are judging them in the negative side. And if you're pretty innocent, just forget about these judging things. Just set in your mind that you have no rights to tell people about what you think about them, about what makes you annoyed. Everyone can judge theirselves, you don't even need to judge for them unless they are too much.

Have you judge yourself anyway? Standing infront of a mirror, looking at yourself from the bottom to the top? What do you think of you? Do you annoyed people around you? Well, have a short moment thinking of your personality. You have rights for that, because each person knows who they are.

Are you actually faking infront of everybody? Are you actually being yourself for the whole day you're at school? You turn into someone else when you reach your home, in the room, alone, laughing like there is no tomorrow, don't even care of looking ugly and stuffs? Even with your best friends, you are not the real you. Because, you're fake, and JUDGEMENTAL.

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