The Epic Party | Teen Ink

The Epic Party

September 30, 2010
By Christy Itwaru BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Christy Itwaru BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Sandy was eagerly waiting for the party/
Sandy heard Rob was going to be there, he was a smarty/
Sandy has been crushing on Rob, but he is hard to get/
She couldn't wait to dance with the deejay she hasn't met//
She could already hear the music, loud with lots of base/
She would have to bring more people, if that was the case/
There would be alot of foods and drinks to put in her mouth/
She hopes she gets to the kitchen before it all runs out//
The dancefloor would be filled with lots of people to dance with/
Wait thirty minutes before dancing, but that's just a myth/
She hopes nobody does, before the people yells, "who's sick!"/
Hopefully, the police won't show up for the loud music//
Everyone will forget about /their grudges, and have fun/
And the party don't stop until everyone sees the sun/
Sandy knows that she will be the center of attention/
She got her dress from Italy if anyone mentions//
Just seven and a half long gruesome more hours to wait//
She hopes there wouldn't be any problems that leads to hate/
Sandy will make time go by faster by taking a nap/
Sandy will wake up at eight by the sound of a clap//
All there is left to do is to dream about the party/
She fell asleep quickly by the purr of her cat, Marty/
Sandy knows Marty would never ever dissapoint her/
Marty also wakes her up with the sound of his loud purr//
In just two more short seconds the party would be started/
But Sandy's deep in sleep dreaming about the one she hearted/
Sandy has been invited to a party by a friend/
Sandy has missed it by sleeping until half past twelve//

The author's comments:
It's an all ORIGINAL!. by Chrissy I. of course!! <3

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