Alone | Teen Ink


June 17, 2013
By Truetothering24 BRONZE, Queens, New York
Truetothering24 BRONZE, Queens, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't quit Suffer now and Live the rest of your life as a champion" ~ Muhammad Ali

I never thought you would be the one to Hurt me
You don't even mind that my heart is broken that the reason I have no heart is because people like you EXIST
I never felt this way before
Everything that you do
Makes me want to Hurt you
But how can you Hurt someone you love so much?
I cant seem to come to my senses that I should walk away
But still I continue with every suffering moment
I give my heart and soul to you But you could care less all you want to do is use me abuse me and then throw me away
You told me you were different
That you wouldn't hurt me
That you will always be here for me
Summer turned to winter
and you turned from loyal to un loyal to caring to forgetting
But when your world is crashing down and your lost I will be there even if you never were
Because theirs a difference between me and you....
I am alone

The author's comments:
This was just a vent on how I feel one of my best friends treats me like garbage and always forgets me and im always her last option when shes my first and I care for her more than she cares for me she became everything she said she wouldn't be......

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