What If | Teen Ink

What If

November 6, 2014
By Kdude94 BRONZE, Pascoag, Rhode Island
Kdude94 BRONZE, Pascoag, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“What if”; the question that brings us to the future
When oddly enough, it makes our years grow fewer.
We ask this until our lives are gone a large percent
Yet we never look at our present.

Our lives, consumed by this dreaded phrase,
Some can’t live without it, while it brings others to rage.
“What if” this, and “What if” that
Makes the egg of our life go “splat.”

Our lives are like a beautiful horizon
And the trees of “what if” widen,
Across our beautiful sunset
Our great lives then receive “what if’s” threat.

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