Fathers' Day | Teen Ink

Fathers' Day

June 15, 2018
By hrid_13 SILVER, Whitefield, Other
hrid_13 SILVER, Whitefield, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love my country better that my family , but i love humanity more than my country ."


Mom", I once said
I was a kid then and it was Father's day
"Why does father have to work too much
to forget his family behind?"
"No son, you got it wrong,
he loves his dear family.
But he has to work too
for nourishing his family."
Those big big words
mom told those days
which made me think
"Why does he never come back on time?"

The sudden ring of the doorbell
happened me to open the door,
when it was dad.
He went upstairs without any word,
"How can he forget the dinner mom made?"
was what I was upset with.
I remember myself staying awake the
whole night why he's so rude.

I still remember him
The way he used to water the plants;
all dried up now.
And the everyday pillow fights
for sure which annoyed mom.
The competitions over the small things,
The silly-loving conversations,
His favourite words once were
"Come on, now be like my boy"
At one point I used to hate him
I'll admit it but
that wasn't hatred, love it was;
used to say mom and I understood it today
I miss those days, for my dad is my  superhero!

But this powerful poem controlled
emotions of the readers,
But no one shall ever know,
It's actually my father who changed his job.
And I can hear those loud snores upstairs,
I'll go and wake him up
For the special breakfast that today I made.

Thanks Dad....
Happy Father's day!

The author's comments:

This poem is being dedicated to my father , i hope that the readers understand it .

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on Aug. 17 2018 at 9:17 am
rainbow_candy07, Caliofrnia, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment