Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 20, 2018
By bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the outdoors

midnight crackling fires, meteors raining across the sky

from casting and reeling followed by a bass pulled from the depths.

I am from waking up with my friends,

making Culver’s runs, cracking jokes and Call of Duty...

from driving places on our own and hammocking over rivers.

I am from tires screeching like a seagull

and evening sunset rides through windy roads with my father.

From adrenaline as we race through the limb-chopped trees.

I am from days where there's nothing to worry about,

hours cruising the lake with friends.

From bumping Bob Marley and sunburned skin.

I am from visiting my grandparents on weekends

and seeing the smiles on their faces.

From going to baseball games and family get togethers.

I am from following my sister's footsteps,

trying to be half as smart as her.

From nights arguing with my parents about school.

I am from nights filled with emotions

and hearing to voices inside my head.

From friends and family comforting me.

I am from work and school

and going home to spend hours staring at my homework.

From tiredness, despair and stress.

I am from wondering if it’s all worth it...

living on this rock floating through space.

From spending my time working for something I’m never going to achieve.

I am from a family filled with hope and love

teaching me to remember my place on earth.

From people who want to see me succeed.

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