Broken Mirror | Teen Ink

Broken Mirror

October 22, 2018
By jfink4902 BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
jfink4902 BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Someday I will stop hating myself.

Just maybe I will look in the mirror and not look away in disgust.


I look at the magazines, instagram photos, models for companies, etc.

I am conditioned to hate myself.

I don’t look like those girls, not one bit.

This is why i will never be loved.    

I look in the mirror, i see me and i hate all of it.

Why is my hair so frizzy today? I can't even get a brush through it.

Is that a pimple? Oh my god it's huge!

Why am i so fat? I haven't eaten for days.

Can’t look down or everyone will see my double chin.

My eyes are to close, now my eyeliner will look weird.

God my nose is so big, who am i Pinocchio.

I am ugly, this is why i will never be loved.


 When i hang out with my friends all i think about is how inferior to them i am.

She's so pretty and all the boys love her. Why can’t i look like that?

He’s so smart. Why can’t i be like that, i’m so dumb.

Her artwork is so much better than mine. Why do i even try.

Their all so much better at cheer, they don't need me. I should just quit the team.

Wow she’s such an amazing singer. I can’t even do the one thing i thought i was good at.

I not good at anything, this is why i will never be loved.

I'm with my family. I love them more than anything but…

Mom is on me about my grades. Im sorry im trying my best i'm just not very smart.

Grandma wonders why i don't have a boyfriend. Oh i don't know maybe because i'm ugly.

i'm greeted with “ hey loser” by my brother. You don't have to say it i know that i'm a loser.

Im a dissapointment, this is why i will never be loved.


Today i look in the mirror

I see what i hate.

I see only my flaws.

The once sweet taste of the lies they told me

Became bitter

My head spinning with these hateful thoughts.

Im hateful, this is why i will never be loved.

One day i will love myself.

I will look in the mirror and not see my flaws but instead my beauty.

I will break the mirror that tells me lies

That tells me i’m not beautiful because i am

I am beautiful, and this is why i will be loved.

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