Ocean | Teen Ink


January 8, 2019
By ExpressionsofMe GOLD, Nampa, Idaho
ExpressionsofMe GOLD, Nampa, Idaho
14 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Normality is a paved road: It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it." -Van Gogh



The wind whipped fronds clamoured above,

But I paid no mind as I stepped from the palms.

Before me a single moon-crescent of white sand,

Then boundless, furious seas, stretching, reaching, distantly.

The ancient goddess, Ocean, roared her torment.

Deep, brooding blues and greys,

Frosted with foaming white,

A reflection of the troubled sky.

Before me, that great lady threw up her walls,

Ten-foot-high, to crash down upon my sliver of sand,

Paying no heed to the small creature who looked on in wonder.

What had aroused that ageless force?

I stood still, captivated by her wild power.

And that terrible, beautiful fury, wrenched

One whisper into the wailing gale:


The author's comments:

There is nothing more majestic than nature, not even the great cathedrals of Europe. Stepping out to the beach one stormy day, the sheer power and force of the ocean struck me with its wild beauty. I did my best to recreate that feeling.

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