Poem to His Eyes | Teen Ink

Poem to His Eyes

January 9, 2019
By gabrazaldo9009 BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
gabrazaldo9009 BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That blue

spills out of his eyes

like ocean waves dancing

to the melody of the moon’s magnetism.

High tide or low tide,

I walk in the endless sea of his eyes

until I lose sight of the shore.

Neck deep in that boundless blue,

I sink in the endless sea of his eyes

until I drown.

That gray

glimmers in his gaze

as grainy as an old film in rewind:

it brings me back to the start.

It brings me back to sleepless nights

searching for stars

in the infinite sky of his eyes.

Nights spent softly sighing in the stillness

beneath the specks of incandescent silver

in the infinite sky of his eyes.

There’s a certain sadness

a certain sentient

a certain sense of solitude.

When I look into his eyes

Really look into his eyes,

it’s a reflection of my own.

The author's comments:

This is a little poem about a friend of mine. A curious thing about him was that he always looked into my eyes when we talked, studying my expression. I remember feeling like he just knew me down to my very soul.

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