What I'm Thankful For | Teen Ink

What I'm Thankful For

January 27, 2019
By starfeather PLATINUM, Olathe, Kansas
starfeather PLATINUM, Olathe, Kansas
21 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
AD ASTRA PER ASPERA- to the stars, through difficulties.

I am thankful for my possessions

For my many, many stuffed animals

And all the pretty things I have the luxury of owning

I am thankful for my pets, Misty, Quasar, and Pixar, who my parents graciously helped and taught me how to care for


I am thankful for my friends, who stand by me and bear my burdens indefatigably without a word of complaint

I’m thankful for my family, who take care of all my wants and needs and who raised me to be benevolent, responsible, and reliable

And my teachers, who have been there my whole life to guide me through my years

Teaching me all I need to know to master adulthood in the future

I’m thankful for my ability to get an education, a privilege the children of America often take for granted.


I’m thankful for the sun, moon, the stars,

For all the wild creatures that roam the Earth, dispersed there by God to keep mankind company

I’m thankful for all the trips I have been blessed to take,

For all the memories I’ve gained that shape me as a person

And the moments that are still yet to come


I am thankful for my life on this Earth, to be living and breathing; I am thankful for the people who have helped me spread my wings and learn to fly, and who never get enough of the credit they deserve; so here it is: Thank You.

The author's comments:

This is a variant of the Where I'm From poem that I made for Thanksgiving as an English assignment.

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on Feb. 10 2024 at 7:11 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 127 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

I love this!