Mixed Emotions | Teen Ink

Mixed Emotions

April 15, 2019
By NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Listen to me

Right here

Right Now

Sometimes I just want to look back on how we were

40 miles apart but now it feels like millions

I respect you and you know that

If you could just tell me face to face that you don’t want me

Then I could understand why I loved you so much

Do you care?


The truth is that I still really miss you

I still love you

I feel bad for not being there when you needed me

Do you care?

Now I am still glad I am your friend

But I wish we could be more than that

Do you care?


Thank you for understanding

But don’t get me started about the pain that you left

A hole in my heart that I try to fix but it never works

Well there you go I told you

Do you care?


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