Hauntings | Teen Ink


May 18, 2021
By BaileySpeer1 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
BaileySpeer1 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My demons take many forms

Some are soft and subtle and
Sit like a fat cat on my chest, until
They become the devil’s herolds, clanging symbols and screeching violins in a terrible cacophony
And I want to rip my brain out of my skull so I won’t have to think anymore
Those demons shred my heart inside the cavity of my chest,
Putting it in a blender with broken glass

My demons take many forms

Some are shapeless and nameless and
I only feel their presence in my dreams,
When my brother tells me he hates me or my mother tells me I’m not enough
And then they’re mostly forgotten (pushed down? Locked away?) upon waking
Until they escape into my dreams once more

My demons take many forms

Some are deep and silent and
Hide in my subconscious, until
They emerge, roaring and spitting
But never known to me
Leaving me gasping for air until
They recede back to the dark caves
“Until next time” They tell me

My angels haunt me, too

I see the face of my baby sister in my dreams
I hear her laugh in crowded places
She walks all over my brain
leaving her soft footsteps all over

My angels haunt me, too

I see my little brother in random boys skateboarding around
I miss his goofy smile when I see something he would like
I can hear his voice, rapping along whenever I listen to Eminem
He sprints around in my brain,
Darting this way and that,
Leaving scuff marks from his shoes

I am weighed down by the hauntings of my angels
And dragged to the floor by the hauntings of my demons
But I walk using my own strength

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