Brown Boy | Teen Ink

Brown Boy

July 11, 2022
By TooSuave BRONZE, Lancaster, Texas
TooSuave BRONZE, Lancaster, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bellowing amongst the window pane

another one has vanished yet still unexplained

Our community dismantled 

like a Hershey bar from a convenient store 

only this time it isn’t that sweet-bitterness 

causing a cavity

it’s our obliterated culture 

causing anguish, affliction, and agony

it’s our reality…



(sirens roaring not to far from abandoned projects)


(gunshots fired echoing through the neighborhood)

then suddenly the community is once again

burdened, bruised, besmirched

An abiding wound staining the street

As blood trickles from his head to concrete 


Another black mother fulfilled with despair 

Another hashtag subsequent to long live 

Another horror with the despicable beast 

only this time his face is not concealed with a white sheet

Another brown boy has went to sleep


Our pride is devoured from the ravenous beast

gobbled down from this abominated country

This land of hatred where 

hoodies are a gesture of robbery 

and tattoos define temperament

and long, nappy locs 

are squalid and grimy

Our pride is deflected from the 

shadows of patrolling creatures


“Hands up, Don’t shoot!” 

(the infuriated mob of prey shouting persistently)

 This sensation of a surreal schism

is disheartening to the community

But empowering to the chains of continuity

Generations of hope, assurance, optimism

is declining amongst the fate of brutality

Is our remorseful dim skin the cause of 

this insane humanity?


Floyd, Taylor, Arbery have dispersed 

within a storm that is insufferable 

This petrifying, appalling massacre

is a sleep paralysis to our community

This succulent feast with its delightful aroma 

is nourishing to the soul of these law- abiding monsters

This mockery is a neurological disease 

that has demolished our mentality


This is our reality


Brown Boy

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired from police brutality all over the United States and highlights the urge to unite individuals of all races and eliminate racial inequality. Hope you guys enjoy!

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Jul. 16 2022 at 12:42 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

The tragic reality, so stunningly brought out through this poem!!! Love it!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻