Light Comes and Goes | Teen Ink

Light Comes and Goes

November 30, 2022
By luke_robards BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
luke_robards BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Get ready for sleep

Father told with blunt authority 

Go and brush your teeth,

Was boy’s top priority 

As father wrapped him in blankets galore

The boy felt secure and safe

But as he left, the place lost warm

The shadows had their space

In the corner the lamp grew with tooth and claw

In the ceiling the vent roared a guttural noise

The closet grew closer with figures that crawl,

Across the floor in their dark.



But under the bed struck the worst

Arms and vines that sprung out first

The boy writhed and his feelings burst

He screamed a scream unrehearsed

Then the light burst in, father in the door

The boy went quiet as a mouse

The father went to the boy's core

All creatures fled from the house

The author's comments:

This poem was a challenge that I wanted to approach. Kids' minds work so differently from our own and I wanted to try to capture what this was like. I decided to write what a child sees when the lights go off in their room and I wanted it to become real. 

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