Online Lifestyle | Teen Ink

Online Lifestyle

January 27, 2023
By spoopyghostly SILVER, Franklin, Wisconsin
spoopyghostly SILVER, Franklin, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Online, looking at a screen.

Blindingly seeping through each rabbit hole,

To what you call a distraction for me. 

The one thing that made you focus on me.

One after one issue doesn’t make you look.

But when I am on my phone, it’s a problem.

“You don’t need it,” you say,

Yet you gave me this at an age that should have it.

You let me explore places that shouldn't have been seen,

Judge me for seeing them when you had full control of what I see.

Playing with dolls was a long time ago, 

Now time to play with Truth or Dares with friends. 

Now I’ve got you worried about where I am, 

I am here living a life where I can see clearer than the stars.

You are telling me to let go of these friends I’ve made,

Now I am happier than I was before. 

It is now that you see I am happy,

That you want to destroy my joy. 

I’m getting older and wiser,

Now I can see through you’re lies.

The author's comments:

This piece is just about the online presence that is typically online and that everyone usually uses to escape. 

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